УДК 342.796 ББК 67.401.1

Keywords: physical culture, sports, state regulation and management, autonomy of sports, regulation models in sports, public and private systems of regulation of sports relations


The authors analyzed the main directions for improving regulation mechanisms in order to findthe optimal balance of public and private interests in the process of implementing a particular model(interventionist or liberal) of state regulation and management in the field of physical culture and sports inthe state. As a result of studying the legislative regulation of sports relations in the Russian Federation, theauthors identified a number of features that are characteristic of state regulation and management in thefield of physical culture and sports. Based on the study of domestic and foreign experience in the regulationof sports relations, it is concluded that a certain autonomy of sports is ensured in all known models of stateregulation and management in the field of sports. Despite the liberal approach of a number of countries inthe regulation of sports relations, today there is an increase in the role of state influence on these relations,which is aimed at providing conditions for the sustainable functioning of national and international systemsof sports relations, protecting the public and private legitimate interests of participants in sports relations, aswell as generally recognized moral values. The complication of the interaction between public and privatesystems of regulation of sports relations determines the need for further scientific and practical research inorder to find effective mechanisms for their interaction and criteria for their optimal combination.


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How to Cite
Kovalenko E., Shavandina O., Тыдыкова Н. FEATURES OF STATE REGULATION AND MANAGEMENT IN THE SPHERE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORT // Russian-Asian Law Journal, 2022, № 2. P. 17-24 DOI: 10.14258/ralj(2022)2.4. URL: http://ralj.ru/article/view/%282022%292.4.