УДК 340.1 ББК 67.1

  • R.V. Nasyrov Altai State University Email:
Keywords: concep, discourse, Asia, East, stereotyp


The article considers the question of the function of the concept “East Asia is the” historical-rightdiscourse. The research methodology is based on the epistemological conclusions of the linguistic turn inthe social Sciences and Humanities of the last decades. It is proved that the real functioning in the historicaland legal discourse of the concept “Asia-East” is predetermined not only by General definitions, but alsoby connotations and stereotypes. It is shown that many stereotypes of perception of the history of EasternStates are false. The main stereotypes that do not correspond to historical facts include: lack of respect forthe personal principle in Eastern cultures, underdevelopment of rational thinking, lack of responsibility ofthe state to society and others. It is concluded that the semantics of the word “Asia” is gradually changing inthe direction of the loss of understanding of this part of the world as a region of stagnation.


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Author Biography

R.V. Nasyrov, Altai State University

Кандидат юридических наук, доцент кафедры теории и истории государства и права Алтайского государственного университета 


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How to Cite
Nasyrov R. THE CONCEPT OF “ASIA-EAST” IN HISTORICAL AND LEGAL DISCOURSE // Russian-Asian Law Journal, 2019, № 1. P. 55-62. URL: