УДК 343.535 ББК 65.291.931

  • Annurdi Brawijaya University (Malang, Indonesia)
  • Budi Santoso Brawijaya University (Malang, Indonesia)
  • Hanif Nur Widhiyanti Brawijaya University (Malang, Indonesia)
  • Reka Dewantara Brawijaya University (Malang, Indonesia)
Keywords: Group Company, Parent Company's Liability, Bankruptcy of Subsidiary


The parent company's liability for bankruptcy experienced by its subsidiary has not been explicitlyregulated either in Company Law or Bankruptcy Law in force in Indonesia. This legal vacuum causesdifferences of opinion among judges in assessing the relationship between a parent company and itssubsidiary as a basis for implementing the parent company's liability for bankruptcy experienced by itssubsidiaries. In this research, there were cases where the judge considered that the parent company was notresponsible for the losses or bankruptcy experienced by its subsidiary on the basis that the two companieswere separate entities. Meanwhile, in a different case, a judge's opinion was found which considered thatthe parent company and its subsidiary were a single economic entity and there was a special relationshipbetween the two companies, so that the parent company was liable for the bankruptcy experienced by itssubsidiary. In this regard, we are of the opinion that it is necessary to establish legislation regarding groupcompany, specifically regulating the liability of parent company for bankruptcy experienced by its subsidiaryin order to guarantee legal certainty and provide legal protection for all relevant stakeholders.


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How to Cite
Annurdi, Budi Santoso, Hanif Nur Widhiyanti, Reka Dewantara РЕАЛИЗАЦИЯ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТИ МАТЕРИНСКОЙ КОМПАНИИ ЗА БАНКРОТСТВО ЕЕ ДОЧЕРНЕЙ КОМПАНИИ: ПРАКТИКА ИНДОНЕЗИИ // Russian-Asian Law Journal, 2024. Vol. 40. P. 45-61 DOI: 10.14258/ralj45-61. URL: http://ralj.ru/article/view/45-61.