УДК 343.195 ББК 67.410.213.5

  • B. S. Batyrbaev Kyrgyz National University named after Zh. Balasagyna (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) Email: bbs1959@mail.ru
  • B.T. Toktobaev Kyrgyz National University named after Zh. Balasagyna (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) Email: toktobaev56@mail.ru
Keywords: jury trial, criminal proceedings, colonial period, verdict, South Africa, Central Africa, East Africa


This article examines the evolution of the jury system in criminal proceedings in African countries duringthe period of colonization. Colonial territories are classified into four groups depending on the characteristicsof the functioning of the jury. Historical data is analyzed for Sierra Leone, Gambia, Ghana and Nigeria,which represent the first group, and Kenya and Southern Rhodesia, the second group, where jury servicewas limited to Europeans. The third group includes Zanzibar and Aden, where there was a strong influenceof the legal systems of India and Kenya. The fourth group is South Africa, including the Transvaal, CapeColony, Orange Free State and Natal, where the jury system was transplanted from the existing legal system.A study of the functioning of juries in these countries provides insight into what problems with jury size and the verdict process have arisen and been resolved in the past. Lessons learned from the African experiencewill allow us to consider current challenges in the modern justice system.


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How to Cite
Batyrbaev B. S., Toktobaev B. EVOLUTION OF JURY TRIALS IN AFRICAN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS DURING THE COLONIZATION PERIOD: EXPERIENCE AND RELEVANCE // Russian-Asian Law Journal, 2024, № 1. P. 32-37 DOI: 10.14258/ralj(2024)1.7. URL: http://ralj.ru/article/view/%282024%291.7.