УДК 340.1:004 ББК 67.408.135

  • Е.V. Mitskaya M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University (Shymkent, Kazakhstan)
Keywords: digitalisation, deepfake technologies, legal opposition to fakes, criminalisation, personal data protection


With the increasing use of information technologies and their potential to improve the quality of life inall areas of human activity, it becomes clear how unlimited their potential to cause harm is. This is mainlycaused by the dissemination of unreliable and false information in advance, which misleads and deceivescitizens. Due to the fact, that the legislation in Russia and Kazakhstan does not fully meet the needs ofdealing with deepfake technologies, it is necessary to refer to positive examples from abroad and, based onthem, to propose possible measures to deal with deepfake technologies. This study is dedicated to the searchfor measures to protect people from such technologies. It is proposed to introduce at the legislative levelthe obligation of the software developer and the supplier of this product to mark the content created withthe use of deepfake technologies, including audio, textual notification that the information is fake, in caseof non-compliance — bringing to criminal responsibility for the distribution of knowingly false content. Inaddition, it is necessary to create effective mechanisms for removing deepfake content that violates humanrights, which is illegal or harmful; to extend criminal liability for violation of the rules of storage, collectionof human biometrics, their illegal use, transfer, receipt; to strengthen interstate cooperation to deal withdeepfakes.


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How to Cite
MitskayaЕ. ISSUES OF LEGAL COUNTERACTION TO DEEPFAKE TECHNOLOGY // Russian-Asian Law Journal, 2025, № 1. P. 50-58 DOI: 10.14258/ralj(2025)1.8. URL: