УДК 343.533.64 ББК 67.401.114

  • I.V. Kiryushina Altai State University, (Barnaul, Russia)
Keywords: fakes, fake information, advertising, false advertising, unfair advertising, misleading advertising


The article analyzes the issues of legal qualification of fake advertising under the current legislationof the Russian Federation. The widespread dissemination of fake information in the 21st century has alsoaffected advertising information. The term “fake” and its derivatives “fake”, “faking” cover various cases ofdeception and forgery. The ultimate goal of spreading fake advertising is to manipulate the consumer's mind in order to increase sales. Fake advertising can be classified as inappropriate simultaneously under severalarticles of the Federal Law “On Advertising”, depending on the methods of presenting such informationand its context. The cases of distribution of false and unfair advertising, advertising that is an act of unfaircompetition, are analyzed. It is concluded that “fake advertising” is a broader concept than unreliable. Suchadvertising may simultaneously violate a number of prohibitions established by current legislation. It may beunethical, inciting to commit illegal actions or calling for violence and cruelty. The use of artificial intelligenceand the possibilities of the Internet has expanded the ways of influencing the consciousness of advertisingconsumers, an example of which is such a type of advertising as Fake Out Of Home with augmented reality.In all these cases, it is necessary to accurately qualify fake advertising not only in accordance with the FederalLaw «On Advertising», but also in accordance with administrative and civil legislation. The increasing scale ofthe spread of fake advertising, the negative consequences that the dissemination of such information entails,make it urgent to increase responsibility for its dissemination.


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How to Cite
Kiryushina I. FAKE ADVERTISING: ISSUES OF LEGAL QUALIFICATION // Russian-Asian Law Journal, 2025, № 1. P. 72-80 DOI: 10.14258/ralj(2025)1.11. URL: http://ralj.ru/article/view/%282025%291.11.