УДК 342 ББК 67.401

  • K.E. Kovalenko Altai State Universit Email:
  • A.S. Kuzmina Altai State University Email:
Keywords: sense of justice, dangerous driving, legislation, state, law


Currently, there are a number of problems causing such consequences as a significant number of roadaccidents, which in turn, inevitably leads to the creation of a dangerous situation on the road as a whole,an increase in the level of anxiety of road users and a decrease in the legal awareness of these people’sconfidence in their impunity.The relevance of this topic is extremely high for modern society, only by studying such questions intheory and giving them great importance in practice, we will be able to raise the level of legal awarenessof road users, and as a result, ensure a calmer situation on the road, with a high level of compliance withtraffic rules. A study of the experience of China has allowed to develop recommendations for improving theRussian policy in the field of road safety.The ability to master the skills of safe driving is only partially limited by the psychology of the driversand can be partially compensated for by intensive lessons in gaining driving experience. The extreme natureof the activities of drivers is emphasized by the widely discussed issues of the personal factor in ensuringroad safety. The formation of a safe behavior model is especially necessary at the initial stage of the processin order to change the attitude towards safety among the critical majority of the population. The main focusshould be on the personal interest of drivers in solving the problem of road safety, on the need for reasonable,responsible and disciplined behavior on the roads, attention of road users to each other, showing positivefacts of culture and driving skills.


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How to Cite
Kovalenko K., Kuzmina A. RESEARCH OF LEGAL CULTURE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL QUALITIES OF VEHICLE DRIVERS // Russian-Asian Law Journal, 2019, № 1. P. 28-32. URL: