УДК 343.34 ББК 67.401.114

  • V.Yu. Golubovsky All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Moscow, Russia)
Keywords: protection, internet, information security, computer crimes, legal regulation, crime, investigation, digital sovereignty


Over the past decade, there have been enormous changes in the social and geopolitical spheres, aswell as revolutionary changes in technology, especially in electronics and cybernetics, which marked theinformation revolution and sharply invaded the socio-political, social and other spheres of public relationsin the world within individual countries and regions, affected the spheres of military affairs, military artand strategy. It has been established that the development of information technologies and the area oftheir application, the development of specific goals and objectives of their use and methods for achievingthese goals in various areas and, especially in the area of organized crime, have created a potential basis forchallenging and threatening public and national security.Thus, the current concerns about the potential of information media have been intensified by the spreadof information media and system technologies in the world, especially by the combination of computertechnology with telecommunications, which has significantly deepened and expanded the space andpossibilities of information activities and made it possible to sharply improve information infrastructures,which predetermined the consideration of the legal aspects of protecting information security.


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How to Cite
Golubovsky V. LEGAL PROBLEMS OF INFORMATION SECURITY PROTECTION // Russian-Asian Law Journal, 2025, № 1. P. 29-36 DOI: 10.14258/ralj(2025)1.5. URL: