УДК 343.34 ББК 67.408.131

  • A.I. Voronina Orenburg State University (Orenburg, Russia)
Keywords: extremism, information extremism, law, legal norm, information, information technology


The category of “extremism” is becoming more and more integrated into our daily activities, making itsown adjustments to the information field, respectively. Precisely, the consequence of such an introductioninto the digital space is the emergence of the term “information extremism”, which is beginning to gainmomentum quite rapidly. Of course, there is a logical explanation for such a rapid spread of the categoryof “information extremism” — information technology has merged so strongly with the private life ofan individual that, today, it is not possible to consider the “figure” separately from the public and statesuperstructure. Accordingly, various kinds of destructive elements in the information space also continue toincrease, causing significant harm to both personal users and public institutions. Of course, the state reacts to manifestations of abuse and offenses in the digital world, using, at the same time, the entire availablearsenal of legal means to prevent and combat destructive actions in the information sphere, in particular,information extremism. However, it is worth recognizing the sad fact that, as a rule, those availablelegislative means are insufficient to fully prevent offenses when using information technologies, since thelatter are ahead of the curve.


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How to Cite
Voronina A. INFORMATION EXTREMISM: THE LEGAL ASPECT // Russian-Asian Law Journal, 2025, № 1. P. 86-89 DOI: 10.14258/ralj(2025)1.13. URL: